World Intellectual Contest
enhancing of creativity and intellectuality.
Description: online contest in videoconferencing mode. Competitors carry
out three thought experiments. First is classic science thought experiment,
second is abstract thought experiment on the them of infinity, relativity
or uncertainty, third thought experiment should be created by competitor
During short time competitor should make mental model of process, explain
situation and foresight. Jury chooses winners who show most interesting
foresight and best insight.
Time: January 22, 2011
online from January 22, 2010 http://bestpracticesmagazine.org/
Registration Deadline December 01, 2010.
Who can participate? - Any person.
Prize: 10 winners receive monetary awards, Diploma of Best Intellectual
Competitor, free education in one of Institutions below.
World Best Practices Magazine http://bestpracticesmagazine.org
Asia Pacific Best Practices Magazine, Chinese edition http://bestpracticesmagazine.org/7.htm
American Vocational Academy http://avacademy.info
American Institute for international affordable education
Alaska Institute of Labor Unions http://interpol-lu.org/luu.php
Switzerland University of Labor Unions http://ru.open-institute.us
China Global Forum on Human Settlements http://www.ccde.cn/
Moscow International Juridical Academy http://www.juracademy.ru
Open Institute of Law, USA http://oiol.ru/eng.html
Director of Contest Victor Fersht
What is Thought experiment contest?
Thought experiment is an experiment that is carried out in the realm
of the imagination, rather than in a laboratory. Thought experiments
are designed to test ideas, theories, and hypotheses that cannot physically
be tested, at least with current scientific equipment. In addition to
being used in some branches of the theoretical sciences, thought experiments
also crop up in fields like philosophy, where people often explore complex
topics that cannot be empirically tested or observed. (S.E. Smith,
experiment intellectual contest is a competition for identifying gifted
people and using of human mind paradoxes for popularization of science.
is carrying out in the auditory presence that adds to competition additional
psychological effects and benefits.
is open for everybody without any tests or requirements. Unexpected
participants show sometimes the best results of creativity.
is organized in playoff format: participant earned fewer points is eliminated
from contest.
of competition consists of prominent scientists and professionals.
should describe his understanding of thought experiment. Then he should
try to carry out experiment step by step at the presence of auditory
and explain every of his action and his feeling. Finally he should explain
result of his thought experiment and possible implementation.
Main goal of every experiment is foresight through insight that achieved
by verbal description of train of thought.
registration please send message with your full name, date of birth,
country, language which you'll use for Contest (English, Russian, Chinese):